--------RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES--------Traductor Intérprete Jurado de Ruso.Переводчик Синхронист.
Blog de Antonio Romea. Intérprete Jurado de Ruso e Inglés.
Blog de ANTONIO ROMEA. Переводчик Антонио Ромеа. Traductor e Intérprete Jurado de Ruso. Intérprete de Conferencias Ruso-Español-Inglés. En este blog se publican artículos publicados y otros rechazados ¿censurados? en prensa española e internacional. También artículos sobre Política Internacional de varios autores. Y temas de Interpretación RU-ES-ENG.
La disolución de la URSS en 1991, puso fin a la Guerra Fría y la bipolaridad en que se había mantenido el Mundo desde la II Guerra Mundial. La Administración de EEUU, sin contrapeso, como Imperio incontestado, se lanzó a la conquista clásica de colonias.
Las víctimas: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afganistán, Somalia...
Se presiona a los países que limitan las “inversiones” extranjeras, se les obliga a que "abran sus mercados" a los capitales occidentales: Irán, Siria, China, Zimbawe, Corea del Norte, Myammar, Sudán, etc.
Las Instituciones Internacionales, ONU, Premio Nobel, Tribunal de la Haya, IAEA, han dejado de ser neutrales. Adulteradas, son instrumento de esta nueva política colonial. También denominada Neocolonialismo:
1. Exportación de capitales.
2. Adquisición de territorios: Medios de Producción (empresas e industrias), Materias Primas y Energía (recursos naturales).
La forma es clásica, lo hicieron portugueses y españoles (S.XVI-XVII), e ingleses y franceses (S.XVIII-XIX), la retórica ha cambiado: Antes se colonizaba, mataba, destruía y sometía a la pobreza a los pueblos para "Cristianizarles" o “Civilizarles", en el S.XXI para "Democratizarles".
En el S.XXI comienza con un retroceso ético y legal con respecto a los principios fundacionales de la ONU, que debía garantizar la NO repetición de guerras contra civiles y crímenes contra la Humanidad.
International Affairs and Colonialism in S.XXI. Interpretation Russian-English-Spanish
9 ene 2011
Sarah Palin & Tea Party connection in shooting of Congresist Gabrielle Gifford in Tucson (Arizona), could be "Incitement to terrorism" according to European laws
By Antonio Romea
Spain, is a country with a long History on fighting terrorism. The basque separatist organization ETA, proclaimed on january 2011 a permanent cease fire and the end of their actions after been fighting from the 1950´s, and killing many Spanish police members, military officers and politicians.
Due to the Spanish experience, in our country it is forbidden to say or publish who has to be killed, as Sarah Palin did in the USA.
What she did is consider a "incitement to commit Terrorist acts", and carry penal responsibility at the Trials at Spain and in many other European countries.
In USA, the far-right leader Tea Party, Sarah Palin, after being accused of inciting terrorism of right-wing fanatics, has changed the map on her website. In that map she had added cross hairs on the States and over the names of 20 Democrats, candidates to be Members of the Congress.
The 20 congressmen on the spotlight list had voted in favor of the Health Reform (Health Bill) driven by Barak Obama, that will cover health for millions of Americans with low incomes.
The right to Health free or subsidized Health was gradually introduced into Europe from the 50's. But in U.S. However, the right to Health of citizens is being sabotaged by economic interests of lobbies like the Medical insurers and the Tea Party.
Health reform, would be a social achievement for a country with low levels of public health care, almost non-existent, according to sources below Mexico and Sudan (infant mortality in black people, etc.).
The goal of the 20 deputies lost their seats was that the Republican Party intends to undo the health reform, getting more members in Congress and unravel a new law passed by votes in Congress, which has woven the Obama .
But one of those House Democrats, Gabrielle Giffords, has actually been shot and is in serious condition in the same right-wing terrorist act killed a federal judge and another 5 attending a Democratic rally in Tucson (Arizona).
In Spain, a country with long history in fighting terrorism, publicly say who should be killed, or make a list of "targets" are considered "terrorists say to those who have to kill, so it would prosecute the instigators of collaboration to terrorism ... if we applied Spanish law the U.S. case, one could consider that some Republicans incite murder or ambiguously suggested, as well as they all have the right to carry a weapon. They should be two incompatible things, the right to bear arms, and mark targets for assassination.
Since some areas of politicians and journalists of the right of the U.S. has exported the "hate speech", the discourse of hatred and aggression in political debates, emptying them of content. This practice in the U.S.: The Tea Party and the FOX and in Spain, circles close to Aznar, the COPE, Intereconomía, etc.
You can see changes in map:
Antonio Romea
Journalist on International Affairs (ABC, El Correo, El Público)